Sailor Moon - Birth! The Princess of Darkness, Black Lady
Infinity Academy - Mistress Labyrinth was the fourth Sailor Moon musical to star Marina Kuroki as Sailor Moon. It was the Summer 2002 musical, and...
Sailor Moon - Infinity Academy - Mistress Labyrinth
Sailor Moon - 10th Anniversary Festival - Sanctuary of Love
Starlights - Ryuusei Densetsu was based on the Sailor Stars arc of the manga and incorporated some elements of the earlier musicals Sailor Moon...
Sailor Moon - Starlights - Legend of the Shooting Stars
Princess of Darkness Black Lady (Revision) was the revision to the previous Black Lady musical, featuring some plot and character changes from the...
Sailor Moon - Birth! Princess of Darkness Black Lady (Revision) - The Secret of the Planet Nemesis
The revision of the previous musical, Infinity Academy, with plot and cast changes.
Sailor Moon - Infinity Academy - Mistress Labyrinth (Revision)
New Legend of Kaguya Island was a remake and revision of the musical Legend of Kaguya Island.
Sailor Moon - New Legend of Kaguya Island
This was the final musical with Marina Kuroki as Sailor Moon.
Sailor Moon - New Legend of Kaguya Island (Revision) - Marinamoon Final
The Advent of Princess Kakyuu (Kakyuu-Ouhi Kourin) was the revision of the previous musical, but it also followed the Sailor Stars arc of the manga.
Sailor Moon - The Advent of Princess Kakyuu - The Second Stage Final