In the tradition of E.C. Horror Comics, this cautionary tale examines life through the eyes of Death who gets derailed when an impatient single Mom...
Death in Charge
The story of Skip, a young ex-convict who takes a position as a night janitor at an old-west theme park. His supervisor Archie, teaches him the...
Locker 13
A failed screenwriter's suicide threat turns out to be his best sales pitch.
Not Your Time
An imaginative love story that centers on a struggling writer and brokenhearted waitress who find the ability to once again believe in love amidst a...
Losing In Love
Revolves around a female lawyer and a male ex-con who team as victim advocates and go to the edge of the law to right wrongs and fight for the...
The Advocates
Its a special night for the Buoitton Family. Charles and Linda, extremely wealthy couple, invite their closest friends and family members to dinner....
In Vino