Learning that Albrecht, her beloved, is in fact a nobleman engaged to be married to a princess, the naive peasant girl Giselle dies. The Queen of the...
Bolshoi Ballet: Giselle
Iconic Bolshoi production born in 1968 returns to cinema for its 2021/22 season. In Imperial Rome, Spartacus and his wife Phrygia are reduced to...
Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema: Spartacus
A feature-length documentary film dedicated to the life of the modern Bolshoi Theatre.
George Balanchine's jewel-themed triptych, strikingly choreographed to the music of Faure, Stravinsky and Tchaikovsky. This three act masterpiece is...
Bolshoi Ballet: Jewels
Inspired by Lord Byron’s epic poem, this jewel of the repertoire boasts a lavish production complete with a shipwreck, pirates, and some of...
Bolshoi Ballet: Le Corsaire
Traveling through Egypt in the 19th century, a Englishman falls asleep inside a pyramid and travels back in time to the days of the pharaohs, where...
Bolshoi Ballet: The Pharaoh's Daughter
La Esmeralda is a ballet in three acts and five scenes, inspired by the novel Notre-Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo, originally choreographed by Jules...
Raymonda is betrothed to Jean de Brienne, a gallant knight who pledged to go on a crusade led by the King of Hungary. When her beloved leaves,...
Bolshoi Ballet: Raymonda