Tiana, a teenage occult fanatic, finds a ring that lets her summon tiny demons she will use to enact her revenge against anyone who mocked her. The...
Ring Runners
This is a movie about Uruguayans who want to make fiction films. We visited various filmmakers seeking to capture the enormous diversity of stories,...
Bruno is a young man with a dark past. He was threatened as a kid by an evil plastic toy. Years later he will have to again face his greatest fear.
Puppet Pal V
Joaquín is a film student who is frustrated by his insecurities as an artist. In the process of writing his debut, a series of eccentric...
A strange character looks for metals at the beach.
Hobby Metal
Alan, a young Uruguayan fed up with his job in a hamburger restaurant, takes a trip to Buenos Aires to sell his most prized collectible toy so he can...
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