After spending eleven years in prison, Szymon, a man in his mid-twenties, struggles to come to terms with his past demons, over the course of his...
This is the story of three characters (brothers Tomek and Jacek and their neighbor Magda), each of them is in their own way lonely and alienated. The...
The Girl from the Wardrobe
Waldi and his three sisters live in an old villa outside the city, and their 100-year-old parents, who died a few years ago, live in the basement....
Fin del mundo?
During the Soviet occupation of Ukraine in a Hutsul village, a young orphaned traumatized woman named Darusya is trying to overcome her terrible...
Sweet Darusya
Quarter the century after the Rivian Pogrom (the very last events from the Witcher Saga) Kaer Morhen, an old keep of the witchers from the school of...
Half a Century of Poetry Later
Twelve-year-old Iwo lives in a small, post-communist town that is home to the old and destroyed Black Mill – once a place of work for many...
Black Mill
The story of Eugeniusz Bodo, a famous Polish actor and singer, who was at the peak of his career in 1930s.