A modern short film adaptation of the Victorian vampire novella, Carmilla, written by Sheridan Le Fanu. The original Carmilla is a story about a...
Bind Over Thee
A young man wakes up in a motel bathtub full of ice, only to find his problems have just begun.
Iris is Nextphone’s latest model, with a blinking female eye permanently displayed on the screen. Dave is on his way to bury a body and brought...
Trapped in a damaged cryogenic pod, a man is forced to watch a series of horrific science-fiction tales while his life support systems run out....
Galaxy of Horrors
A kinky sex proposition devolves into a chain of murder, sex, revenge. And more murder.
Set in 1990, a lonely bachelor named David searches for an escape from the day-to-day drudgery of caring for his aging mother. While seeking a...
Novella McClure is like most struggling actresses in Los Angeles: she's in her early 30s, her fake name sounded cooler ten years ago, and she hasn't...
A couple breaks into an elderly woman’s home to extract some of her blood.