This anthology film consists of three parts: "Story One: The story of the brave man", "Story Two: Angels Rhythm" and "Story Three: The false office...
Tales for Grown Ups
A handsome young man is released from jail and goes to "El Pez que Fuma", a bordello in the outskirts of Caracas. La Garza, its middle-aged owner,...
The Smoking Fish
Carmen is a beautiful woman working in a business that is dedicated to smuggling. One day, Carmen fights and hurts to a smuggler woman, so a sergeant...
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) investigates the murder of a woman in a population near the capital. The woman was raped before death and the...
Crab II
Commissioner Leon (Miguel Angel Landa) of the Technical Judicial Police is assigned to the kidnapping of a child of the upper class of Caracas. The...
Venezuelan drama directed by Víctor Mel González.
Dana, el séptimo pecado