Isip the Warrior follows Isip and Simon, lifelong friends who commiserate in their passive, girl-deficient lives – that is until Isip decides...
Isip the Warrior
When some very creepy things start happening around school, the kids at Herrington High make the chilling discovery that confirms their worst...
The Faculty
The closing of a student film program serves as a paradigm for interrogating the corporate ideology that guides the largest public university in the...
University, Inc.
Austin, Texas, is an Eden for the young and unambitious, from the enthusiastically eccentric to the dangerously apathetic. Here, the nobly lazy can...
Highlighting one of the most innovative American directors, this film reveals the path traveled by the auteur from his small-town Texas roots to his...
Richard Linklater: Dream Is Destiny
A journey through the professional life of innovative film director Richard Linklater: 21 years creating films, carving his signature in pop culture;...
21 Years: Richard Linklater
This 2005 documentary film chronicles the life of Daniel Johnston, a manic-depressive genius singer/songwriter/artist, from childhood up to the...
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
After the city's deadliest serial killer breaks out of jail, the aging Texas Ranger that put him away comes out of retirement to stop the monster's...
The Next Kill
ALSO STARRING AUSTIN uses scenes from locally shot films as a lens to explore a community's rapidly changing built and natural environment and...
Also Starring Austin
Waking Life is about a young man in a persistent lucid dream-like state. The film follows its protagonist as he initially observes and later...
Waking Life
A small but growing Texas town, filled with strange and musical characters, celebrates its sesquicentennial and converge on a local parade and talent...
True Stories
A detailed account of the life and artistic career of legendary filmmaker Quentin Tarantino, from his early days as a video club manager to the...
QT8: The First Eight
Directed by Jacob Miguel, "PUNK ROCK LOTTERY" embarks on a mission to capture the rapid growth of an annual event known as "The Punk Rock Lottery" in...
Punk Rock Lottery