The film consists of a series of tightly interlinked vignettes, the most sustained of which details the story of a man and a woman who are...
L'Âge d'or
Chacun porte sa croix
The life of Thérèse Martin, who entered the Carmel at the age of 15, in 1888, under the name of Sister Thérèse of the...
Saint Theresa of Lisieux
A chronicling of the life of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, a Catholic nun who died of tuberculosis at age 24.
The Miraculous Life of Teresa of Lisieux
Poor abbé Contantin, he is devastated at the news: to think that two American ladies have bought the local manor where he has always been...
L'Abbé Constantin
A former professor and devout Catholic living in Jerusalem is unaware that his son supposedly studying in Paris has actually become the leader of an...