The film, a nostalgic fantasy documentary, depicts in six episodes a family story in Bobbio between 1999 and 2008. We discover the 5 years-old Elena...
Sorelle Mai
A celebrated painter receives a visit from a cardinal's assistant, who informs him that his mother could become a saint.
My Mother's Smile
An early version of Marco Bellocchio's Sorelle Mai
The 1978 kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro, president of the most important political party in Italy at the time, Democrazia Cristiana, as seen from...
Good Morning, Night
"Marx can wait" was something Camillo Bellocchio said to his twin Marco the last time they met before the former died at a young age in the heated...
Marx Can Wait
The story of the descent into madness of Mussolini's secret first wife, Ida Dasler, who was seduced by his passion and vigor but blind to the fascist...