This essential, Academy Award–nominated documentary offers an urgent warning from history about the dangers of nuclear warfare via the story of...
The Day After Trinity
Explore how one man's relentless drive and invention of the atomic bomb changed the nature of war forever, led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands...
To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb
J. Robert Oppenheimer and other key figures involved in the decision to drop the first atomic bomb discuss their motivations in this NBC News...
The Decision to Drop the Bomb
Death in all it's faces and stages. From the horrors of Buchenwald to the devastation of Hiroshima. From the political assassinations of the second...
Death in Focus
Physicist Ted Hall is recruited to join the Manhattan Project as a teenager and goes to Los Alamos with no idea what he'll be working on. When he...
A Compassionate Spy
On the 29th of August 1949, the USSR set off their first atomic bomb, just four years after the Americans. The speed with which they achieved this...
Cold War Secrets: Stealing the Atomic Bomb