In this comedy, two rival reporters vie for the scoop on the whereabouts of a missing heiress. They find her in Switzerland. One of the journalists...
Falling for You
A short, hand-tinted promotional film made by the D'Oyly Carte Opera company to show off the new wardrobe and set dressing for the 1926 production of...
The Mikado
'Detective loves daughter of artist suspected of murdering blackmailer.' (British Film Catalogue)
The Valley of Ghosts
'Poor lord poses as butler to avoid framed arrest for theft.' (British Film Catalogue)
Lord Richard in the Pantry
A young couple struggle with their overbearing parents.
Compromising Daphne
A carefree aristocrat becomes involved with a woman suspected of murder, and assists her in proving her innocence.
Rodney Steps In
A British comedy film directed by John Rawlins
High Society
'Old-time minstrel sinks to poverty and rises to fresh stardom.' (British Film Catalogue)
Kentucky Minstrels