Rain, a young black musical prodigy, finds trouble and heartbreak when she witnesses her sister's murder by gangbangers. In order to protect her...
Shortly after high school student Jeremy Capello goes on a hot date, he finds he can't stand garlic or see his reflection in mirrors.
My Best Friend Is a Vampire
The true story of four student athletes from Carter High School in Dallas, Texas in the 1980s, whose bright futures irrevocably changed due to their...
Carter High
When the local FBI office receives a letter from a terrorist known only as 'The Citizen', it's quickly determined that he's planning his next act at...
Miss Congeniality
Seven strangers find themselves unwitting participants in a U.S. government evacuation program gone horribly wrong.
A small-town store owner with a comatose wife shares a long-term relationship with his seamstress.
The Only Thrill