A far too serious college graduate boy gets hazed by his two cheeky girl cousins, as well as by a beautiful female neighbor, while spending their...
Sex and the French School Girl
Respectable Monsieur Léon, nicely portrayed by Antoine Fontaine, is an unassuming bank teller by day, lover for hire with a specialist...
The Spanking (or The Memoirs of Mr. Leon - Spanking Professor)
At the heart of her castle, the Marquise Katarina Von Porno inflicts, as a exemplary tyrant, the worst sexual tortures to her guests. Difficult to...
La Marquise von Porno
Jacques, a travelling wine-seller, has a car breakdown on a little countryside road. Rescued by a young woman, he stays for a few days in a charming...
Les voyeuses
A pornographic filmmaker dies, and his last will and testament is shown to his survivors in the form of a self-made film. In the film, he tells them...
The Treasure Box
A young wife complains that her husband won't make love to her anymore, unaware that the reason for that is that he's spending most of his time...
Free and Perverse
Voodoo turns an impotent man into a nightmare-plagued Jekyll and Hyde, with his latter side getting their jollies torturing, whipping, beating,...
Maléfices porno