Victor, a father, travels the roads with his teenage son, Felix. For Felix, the trip is a school of life, as his first romantic encounter helps him...
Side Roads
Two men embark on an unconventional romance in Todd Verow's sexy Parisian-set drama. Claude finds a young man passed out in the street and, taking...
Bad Boy Street
In a fancy hotel, a bell boy delivers a bottle of whiskey to a wealthy middle-aged client. The guest seduces the young man and offers him money for a...
An aging gangster (Jean-Pierre Mocky) escapes from prison and is taken in by a very beautiful blonde who asks him to kill her uncle (Richard...
When their behavior and brushes with the law drive their mother to abandon them, Jonathan and Vivi hire a private detective to find her.
Les p'tits gars Ladouceur
Benoît finds in his toy chest a list of things he had promised to do before his 30th birthday. Problem: he is 30 tomorrow! Between his stuck...
Bonjour ivresse !