Fujieda Baian is admired during the day as a skilled acupuncturist. However, at night, he is a highly skilled assassin, taking on contracts to...
Baian the Assassin: Showdown
Innocent Sinner
The Good Little Bad Girl
Love for Eternity
This is based on a true story, recited, directed by the real Sakurai Shouichi, who has now retired from the underworld mahjong. An elite bureaucrat...
Shin Janki
Japan in the 1940s. A high school boy went into a magic encounter with Ozuka Hana, a geisha (pub-girl) when he traveled through Amagi Pass. A...
Amagi Pass
A model gets involved with some gangsters trying to pull a big deal.
The Hot Little Girl
Older, wiser but still a wandering loner, the blind, peace-loving masseur Ichi seeks a peaceful life in a rural village. When he's caught in the...
Zatoichi: Darkness Is His Ally
Two yakuza, one of whom frequently reflects on an uncomfortable past taking advantage of Korean women, meet a stowaway on Japanese soil from across...
The Sea of Genkai
A horse-riding samurai fights villains.
The Black Hood