A meteor lands in Japan and the fallout creates a “shield” around Tokyo, encasing the city in a foggy darkness. A state of martial law is...
Battle Girl: The Living Dead in Tokyo Bay
After twelve years of school - twelve years of a strict, regimented life-style - high school graduation can be a very scary moment. It's a time when...
Rape Frenzy: Five Minutes Before Graduation
After a fight with a local girl gang, Yoko serves time in prison. After her release the world she once knew has changed. When she is drugged and...
Hell's Angels: Crimson Roar
Coinciding with the LDP presidential election of the entire national public, a masterpiece depicting the reverse side of Showa political history...
The Yoshida School
A female teacher is raped by a gang of students in her school. The repercussions of this lead to scandal, blackmail and murder.
Female Teacher
When a young soldier is killed while trying to prevent his younger sister, Kaoru, from being sold into a life of prostitution, his commander, Col....
The Revolt
In 1945, a boy evacuated to Miyagi Prefecture befriends a local child, and the two begin to play harmonica near the local military base. Then, one...
Two Harmonicas