Sam is a gifted young dancer whose world spirals after an unexpected, life-changing event. Sam walks away from dancing and ballet, but...
The Red Shoes: Next Step
To save his daughter's life and restore his reputation, disgraced ex-detective Nick Mathers must catch the sadistic Grand Master killer before time...
Final Move
A search and rescue team are transported through deep space to a distant mining colony to save the sole survivor of a biological outbreak. During...
When 4 American tourists - Sofia, Carl, Belle and Michael - go on a ghost tour, they get much more than they bargained for, when the ghosts of an...
Set in the future in a time of interplanetary colonization, an unlikely pair race against an impending global crisis and are confronted by the...
Science Fiction Volume One: The Osiris Child
Nearly 20 years ago a young mother was shot during an apparent kidnapping and subsequent police chase. Now after all that time, the man in jail for...
BlackJack: Ghosts
Rhapsody of Love follows the lives of four couples at different stages of their relationships and how sometimes life presents love when we least...
Rhapsody of Love