In an alternative 1990s a lonely, dinosaur-obsessed boy named Wyrm struggles to complete a unique school requirement in which students wear...
An aspiring entrepreneur, Gilbert lost all hope after being dumped on Christmas day. Gilbert decides to kill himself and heads to the mall to buy...
Gilbert's Little Christmas
Leroy, Reggie and Cheruce Paloni host a Halloween special full of spooky shorts from a group of up-and-coming animators.
The Paloni Show! Halloween Special!
Seth Rogen and Sarah Silverman star in this short about two weathered detectives going to all lengths to save humanity.
Cops Cum Dicks and Flying
A newscast team must fight for their lives when a mysterious intern's obsession to "smile for the camera" turns sinister.
Adam Lewis, a successful horror screenwriter, is struggling for inspiration for his latest script. After a graphic and realistic nightmare of a...
Big Baby
A tumultuous relationship reaches its tipping point.
On the Rocks
Charlie had hoped to have a completely honest break up. Unfortunately, David is being a real shit about it.
Break Down
A man develops an intimate relationship with a female android.
A cult of women summon a demon, but one rogue member, Carol, gets in the way of their plans.
Estranged siblings Marcus and Michelle Brinks are reunited after the sudden death of their parents, two globe-trotting aid workers who they barely...
Dr. Brinks & Dr. Brinks
A wife and mom with secret dreams of being a stand-up comic uses a one night stand with a burned-out touring comedian to face the harsh but funny...
International Falls
An aspiring teenage filmmaker gets hired by a production company to make sketch comedy for teens.
Sarah Silverman hosts the first episode of Rubberhead - a night of comedy shorts featuring some of her favorite performers. With comedy from Nathan...
An inane chat is interrupted with a sudden outburst of violence, followed by an insistent invitation for a reprisal in this uncanny mobius short.
A fashion photography crew heads to a remote ranch house to shoot, only to get terrorized by a pair of ghoulish strangers. (Screamfest)
Orchard Girl
After calling a late-night party hotline that promises out-of-this-world fun, uptight yuppie Conor Sweeney must battle the pint-sized forces of evil...
Frankie Freako