Mum and Son's Chilling Adventures is a documentary film that features the unique relationship of a mother and son ghost hunting team that...
Mum and Son's Chilling Adventures
An Original Documentary that takes you in and under the Oldest City in America, St. Augustine, Florida with a Team of Residents, Ghost Hunters and...
Evil Beneath
An Original Documentary that explores the unexplained events at 5 unique locations including an Antebellum Haunted Mansion, the most spirited Movie...
Real Haunts
An Original Documentary Film that reveals the secrets at 4 Paranormal Hot Spots including an abandoned Sanitarium in Minnesota, Goldfield, Nevada...
Real Haunts 3
An Original Documentary Film that explores 4 unique haunted hot spots including a Gothic Haunted House, America's Oldest Lighthouse, Ryholite Ghost...
Real Haunts 4