Vera, who fought in the armed left-wing movements against the Brazilian military dictatorship, has lived in multiple South American countries. Her...
Our Children
Ponto Final
Simone is a young law student who studies criminal law and advocates for women's rights. On her free time, she's a cam girl that makes live sexual...
Rule 34
A wealthy middle-aged woman unexpectedly finds herself caring for two impoverished young siblings, in this subtle, touching and sincere study of...
Campo Grande
Junior, as he’s known, since he’s essentially still a child, seems to be having a tough time getting on in life. He shares cheap lodgings...
Clara, a vibrant former music critic and widow with flowing tresses is the only remaining apartment owner in a beautiful older building targeted for...
Summer in Paris, in the Parc des Buttes Chaumont. Two friends meet and tell each other their sad romantic adventures. Two teenagers who didn't leave...
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