Imprisoning a group of people in a living hell of darkness and death the Puppetmaster controls the fate of each one. One by one, the captives awake...
The Tomb
A twelve-year-old boy's fate is determined by his father's departure and the impending Dust Bowl as he is forced to care for his family and their...
Wrong Side Up
Three morticians get caught in a web of greed and deceit, involving buried treasure and a tangled love affair, in this modern day crime mystery that...
Making a Killing
In the year 2033, a young girl trapped in a mysterious orphanage recklessly travels back in time to find her parents and amend her past.
A pastor, a homeless drunk and a police office must discover a way to reunite a lost community and stop a pompous and wealthy real-estate developer...
2nd Greatest
A female recording artist encounters the misogyny and outdated business practices of male record label executives.
Stadium Anthems