Julian Ruiz, a real estate salesman and amateur filmmaker, wrote in the company of Anne, his romantic wife, a script that could mean his professional...
La gran comedia
“New York Shadows” is a psychological drama avant-garde that tackles the tribulations of Julian (Juan Pinzás) a Spanish filmmaker...
New York Shadows
The filmmaker Juan Pinzás goes on a physical and also inner journey, in search of some lost images that he filmed in the 80s. The journey...
Lost Images: The Other Eye of Juan Pinzás
The filmmaker Julián Pintos and his alter ego find themselves confined to their isolated home in the countryside during the pandemic ravaging...
The Heart of Europe
Al sur del Edén
A documentary about the filmmaker Juan Pinzás.
Pinzás Universe
Julián, a car salesman, must reach the sales objective (the hundred points of the main title) to fill the whims of his loving wife.
Cien puntos para Julián Pintos
Julián Pintos, alter ego of the director Juan Pinzás, in his dreamlike universe, makes an introspective journey from the belly of his...
El vientre de Europa
Los ojos de Europa