Targeted by a secret fraternity, a brilliant student tries to expose the young men and end their reign of power. However, she soon realizes that the...
Secret Society of Lies
This made-for-television film documents the takeover of the TWA airliner in flight from Athens to Rome in 1985. The focus is on the flight attendant,...
The Taking of Flight 847: The Uli Derickson Story
A true love story that spans a lifetime but eventually results in a painful loss of love. Jan is the daughter of an overly protective militant...
Sunrise in Heaven
The story of the hijacking of the Italian luxury liner Achille Lauro by four Palestinians.
Voyage of Terror: The Achille Lauro Affair
Nick Randall is a Los Angeles-based bounty hunter and an ex-CIA operative who is asked by a former co-worker to help track down terrorist Malak Al...
Wanted: Dead or Alive
The journey continues from WWJD as the drifter (John Schneider) arrives into a new town - inspiring a group of people to live as Jesus would. A...
WWJD: What Would Jesus Do? The Journey Continues
Sisters Maggie and Lizzie move in with mom Peg's new husband. Secrets and lies start immediately. Maggie cannot handle what follows and recruits a...
Running Away
Carrie Evans, a beautiful young attorney with aspirations to become partner like her fiancee Steven Riggs, learns some disturbing facts about her...
A Father's Secret
A squad of Libyan terrorists infiltrate the city of Kokomo, Indiana, with the goal of car bombing a nuclear power plant. While attempting to escape...
Terror Squad
During a robbery at a smart stop an EMT is faced with two victims; a pregnant lady and a man shot but still alive. When having to choose which to...
Stressed to Death
Elaine, an injured dancer, catches the eye of a deranged psychologist who believes her to be the perfect woman. Realizing he is manipulating her mind...
Obsessed with the Babysitter
Teenager Ray Trueblood is wrongfully accused of murdering a police officer after his fellow gang member Billy Masters does the deed. Hoping to elude...
True Blood