A young man, armed with a magical bow and arrows, embarks on a mystical journey through a mystical land to rid it of all evil and joins forces with...
Featurette about the making of 'Mad Foxes - Feuer auf Räder'
Erwin und die Füxe
Featurette about the making of 'Mad Foxes - Feuer auf Räder' starring actor Eric Falk.
Mad Eric
While a youth group led by Daniel causes the explosion of a truck loaded with materials to build a nuclear power plant, Laura accidentally kills his...
A seventeen-year-old boy follows the painful path to discovering that he is transsexual.
Change of Sex
A man seeks revenge after a biker gang murders his loved ones.
Mad Foxes
After a gang of thugs brands a hard working truck driver a traitor and murders his bride, He retaliates by being even more violent than his...
Killing Machine
Catherine is a young and sexually liberated girl with a boyish figure who lives with her older boyfriend Carlo, the author of erotic novels, in a...
Catherine Chérie
Neumonía erótica y pasota
Al sur del Edén
A woman recovering from the death of her husband suspects that her house has been invaded by demonic spirits. She summons a paranormal expert to help...
A young man who likes the good life and easy money gets a proposition to represent a shady business company in Europe.
De mica en mica s’omple la pica
A rat causes a chemical leak at a Papua New Guinea research facility, leading a group of eco-terrorists to demand the closure of all facilities. When...
Night of the Zombies