The story revolves around the life of Leopold, a middle-class father; his wife Isabel working for a decadent comedian; Beto, the son, a taxi driver;...
The Notice of the Day
At the request of his daughter, Turbo is reluctantly forced to open his doors for 30 days to his emotionally fragile and eccentric ex-wife, Loba,...
30 Nights with My Ex
An image consultant helps a corrupt politician form a romantic attachment with a journalist who despises him.
Double Speech
A retired police officer looks for revenge after his family is attacked by a gang of criminals.
Cazador De Asesinos
In the revolted 70's in Argentina, teenage Graciela is an artist and a poet. She and Julio, a charismatic student leader, are brought together by...
Pájaros rojos
Familia para armar tells the story of the emotive encounter between a father and his teenage daughter after a long and traumatic separation. Ernesto...
Familia para armar