In post-9/11 New York City, an eclectic group of citizens find their lives entangled, personally, romantically, and sexually, at Shortbus, an...
WHO TOOK THE BOMP? LE TIGRE ON TOUR follows iconic feminist electronic band Le Tigre on their 2004-2005 international tour across four continents and...
Who Took the Bomp? Le Tigre on Tour
Documentary about feminism in music and the challenges it has faced through the years from the '70s to present day.
Hitmusik: Konsten att sätta rytm till revolt
Cecile wants answers, but, actually, she doesn't. After her ex-boyfriend's return to New York triggers overwhelming feelings of doubt and confusion,...
Cecile on the Phone
A documentary highlighting the 20 year history of influential indie record store Other Music in Manhattan's East Village.
Other Music