The story centers on two lone survivors of a bizarre accident that reduced most of the world's population to zombies. They take refuge in a vacant...
On the most evil night of the year, a beautiful blond woman and ruggedly handsome archeologist hitman find themselves trapped in a forest haunted by...
Night of the Flesh Eaters
Druids resurrect the partially mummified remains of Jesus. They force the zombified Christ to commit unspeakable acts as their sect prepares to rule...
Zombie Christ
Do You Like My Basement? tracks how one man's creative frustration bore a need to make the perfect horror film. Stanley Farmer was rejected...
Do You Like My Basement?
The college experience - studying, dating, partying... but when one of their classmates disintegrates right before their eyes, Ari, Becca, Izzy,...
Campus Code
The owner of a small-town junkyard offers a cash reward to whomever can kill her uninvited, space-suited alien guest when its spacecraft crash-lands...
Alien Opponent
Laura's life is turned upside down when she is attacked by a shark while celebrating her 18th birthday. She's rescued by Bruce, a handsome young man...
Stalker's Prey
Hard-working bakery owner Kate Holiday, has more cookie orders than she has time to fill this holiday season, and when her boyfriend suddenly breaks...
A Very Nutty Christmas