A young family, living in isolation and forced into hard labor out of fear of dishonoring their Father and Mother, fight to free themselves from...
The Family
After a Black Friday riot ends in tragedy, a mysterious Thanksgiving-inspired killer terrorizes Plymouth, Massachusetts - the birthplace of the...
From the twisted mind of Eli Roth, and starring Vanessa Hudgens as you’ve never seen her before, we invite you to step inside the...
Haunted House: Trick-VR-Treat
Set amongst the sparse landscape of an isolated farming community, 5 adolescent girls band together to escape their desolate lives. By reclaiming an...
The Young Arsonists
When Sandy and Carly set out to make an art project together, Sandy focuses on its form and Carly focuses on its function. But when their ideas clash...
Thomas & Friends: The Great Bubbly Build
A jealous dance mom takes extreme measures to ensure her daughter wins a scholarship to an exclusive dance academy. But the victim's mother will do...
Taken Too Far
A Hungarian journalist who is about to start a family journeys to the United States in the hopes of finding his own father, a scientist who went...
His Master's Voice
Set in 1952 Grey Rocks – a centuries old town that was famous 250 years ago as a favored port of pirates – Pirate’s Passage follows...
Pirate's Passage
Rebecca, a respected teacher at a private girls school, has her life turned upside down when a new scholarship student arrives who might be the...
Remember Me, Mommy?