The old friends from "The Mary Tyler Moore Show," Mary and Rhoda, are reunited, only to discover that Mary has a daughter named Rose and Rhoda's...
Mary and Rhoda
Fueled by cheap whiskey, greed and hatred, Willie Soke teams up with his angry little sidekick, Marcus, to knock off a Chicago charity on Christmas...
Bad Santa 2
Philippe, a French-American writer living in Manhattan, decides to take on ten relationship-challenged men to help them learn the art of seduction.
How to Seduce Difficult Women
A 19 year old Brooklyn boy who is torn between two worlds when his photography portfolio wins him a partial scholarship to NYU. He must figure out...
The Narrows
Edward Wilson, the only witness to his father's suicide and member of the Skull and Bones Society while a student at Yale, is a morally upright young...
The Good Shepherd