The amazing and hilarious true-life story of television personality Dick Dyszel, whose popular characters, "Count Gore De Vol" and "Captain 20"...
Every Other Day is Halloween
Ernest Borgnine tours the country in his Luxury coach bus, The Sunbum.
Ernest Borgnine on the Bus
1969. Man lands on the moon. Half a million strong at Woodstock....and Led Zeppelin perform in the gym of the Wheaton Youth Center in front of 50...
Led Zeppelin Played Here
Director Jeff Krulik returns to Jim Powell's basement for more heavy metal goodies.
Return to Heavy Metal Basement
Hal Schmulowitz explains how he got up close to The Rolling Stones during their 1981 tour.
You Can't Take Pictures in Here
Hypnotist Robert Attila Bellus and his wife Stella are interviewed by Jeff Krulik, then Public Access Director at MetroVision Cable in Capital...
The Hypnotist
One of the first documentary projects with which Jeff Krulik was involved at the start of his public access days. Shot on location at Geppi's Comic...
Comic Books: A World of Illustrated Adventure
Meet Ralph Whittington, who amassed one of the largest private collections of pornography ever. His collection can now be seen and studied at the...
King of Porn
A documentary film in which a rock fan shows off his obsession and his memorabilia.
Heavy Metal Basement