Humorous, full of unimaginable finds, this animated short invites the viewer to follow the antics of a horse trying to acquire a force equivalent to...
Horsing Around
An animated cartoon envisaging the kind of world that children of the future may well inherit when the last vestige of blue is blotted from the sky...
Le bleu perdu
In this animated short, Roch Carrier recounts the most mortifying moment of his childhood. At a time when all his friends worshipped Maurice "Rocket"...
The Sweater
A first-rate French-Canadian spy must tangle with a female Chinese spy who is in love with him.
A lonely divorced woman spends her evening in her apartment listening to a phone-in radio show. As she listens to strangers talk candidly about their...
L'amour blessé
This animated film, a small educational musical comedy, offers the viewer a proper enigma. He is very smart who succeeds in solving it the first...
Du coq à l'âne
Le million tout-puissant
The lives of two families in Montreal.
The Doves
Le dernier havre
A bank clerk is driven by his brother-in-law in many adventures.
There's Always a Way to Find a Way
This docu-drama spans fifteen turbulent years in the political and personal life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the most enigmatic and polarizing...
Rendezvous in Montreal is a 3D computer-animated film starring virtual actors Marilyn Monroe and Humphrey Bogart.
Rendezvous in Montreal
Two strangers have a fateful one-night stand in Montréal.
Angel Life