Inspired by a real event, the film follows 27-year-old Lara (newcomer Diana Kolenc), a paramedic intern who helps bring 30-year-old Kristijan (Vito...
Paolo, 40 years old, lives in a small Friulian town close to the north-eastern border. Unreliable and with a passion for good wine, he spends his...
Zoran: My Nephew the Idiot
L.V. Strocki is a traveling film projectionist in the best years. He is a representative of the first generation who watched partisan films, lived to...
Desperado Tonic
Black soldiers are captured by red soldiers and shot dead. Then, red soldiers capture black and shoot them. And so on to the bare end.
Dizzy is a perennial student living in a small double room in a hostel. He never seems to study, but spends his time sleeping, watching TV, and...
Idle Running
Hannah and Sam are young, have a house, a lovely daughter, Anja, and well paid work. However, their comfortable family routine is thrown into...
Good Night, Missy
This documentary was inspired by the artistic life of Serbian actress Sonja Savić. Being a wonder child, a star of Yugoslavian cinematography, a...
In the city of Versopolis, people stop uttering the words that crawl out of their mouth, liberating instead the words lodged somewhere deep in their...
Ivan is released a day early from a treatment programme for alcoholics due to a doctors' strike. He returns to his wife Sonja and his sixteen year...
Bread and Milk
This feature-length documentary about Professor Jože Dolmark shows the protagonist as a man of many insights, interests and talents; as an art...
A Man from the Border
Film about Damir Avdic, artist of words who speaks about the world as he sees and understands it. With no superfluous comments. Words as sharp as a...
The Right Man for Capitalism
March 2020. As the Covid-19 epidemic is declared, movement restrictions are put in place and social life is disrupted. Inseparable tells the story of...