Lose Your Head is a psycho thriller about a Spanish party tourist who gets lost in Berlin. The film is inspired by the true story of a young...
Lose Your Head
Whereas the marriage of Maja and Uwe Rath bobs along in a boring routine, daughter Alina is freshly in love with Nico. And because the young couple...
Family Fever
A seventeen-year-old boy. All he wants is to feel something. Anything. One day he pushes his longing to the limit.
SEEBESTATTUNG (Burial at Sea) is the story about the development of a forbidden love between the teenage siblings Larissa and Fabian. After the death...
Burial at Sea
Based on a true story, EXTREME NUMBER is the story of a young refugee from Chechnya who comes to Berlin, Germany in 2004 and is thrown into prison....
Extreme Number