Just before the turn of the 21st century, Dramane, a Malian who lives in Paris, returns to his family's African village to visit his father. After...
Life on Earth
Jeanne lives in Paris and believes she is the reincarnation of Don Juan. She visits a priest and tells him she has killed a man. He comes to her...
Don Juan or If Don Juan Were a Woman
The directors of a company threatened by a railroad construction project in Africa decide to have the General Secretary of the Franco-African...
The Deadly Decoy
An action thriller which lends a multinational depiction of contemporary Africa and centers on a local homeopathic cure for a virus that has crept...
After an adventurous life, Patrick has settled in the Camargue and bought a manade where he raises bulls, while the "riziers" gradually invade and...
Jack of Spades
Alfred Mullanet, an unlucky player who lives on his wife's income, becomes in a few moments the object of interest of two thugs, Kruger and Mister K.
Le Cri du cormoran, le soir au-dessus des jonques
An African diplomat who has returned to his native country after a long stay in Europe realizes that perhaps he has assimilated too much white...
Boubou cravate
A young Parisian perfume creator discovers lost roots, danger and romance on the paradisiac island of Martinique.
Un parfum de Caraïbes
David Locke is a world-weary American journalist who has been sent to cover a conflict in northern Africa, but he makes little progress with the...
The Passenger
Short film based on a Yoruba folk tale.
In the Beginning
Ola Balogun's first feature film was made in France and focuses on a group of young Black intellectuals and artists. At the centre is Alpha, whose...
A good cast smooths over the rough spots of Les Heros sont Fatigues. The scene is the African republic of Liberia, which in this film proves to be a...
Heroes and Sinners
Karim's father is missing and presumed dead, which is why his father's brother has taken over the house and is now his stepfather: this is the custom...
Karim and Sala
Two men of different backgrounds lose their respective jobs, setting off a series of events that brings them together in tragic circumstances.
Watani: A World Without Evil
Four friends gather at a villa with the intention of eating themselves to death.
La Grande Bouffe