Set in an alternate future where Roe v. Wade has been overturned, a depressed Black woman, deals with the culture of fear by channeling her rage into...
The Snakes
This documentary follows the cast, crew and staff of the world-famous Public Theater as they prepare to mount an all-black adaptation of...
Reopening Night
Experience Shakespeare’s comedic masterpiece from the Public Theater’s Shakespeare in the Park. Set in South Harlem, the play tells the...
Merry Wives
Told entirely through social media and smartphone screens, this bold adaptation of Romeo and Juliet reinvents the world’s most enduring love...
A recording of Julie Taymor's New York stage production of William Shakespeare's comedy.
A Midsummer Night's Dream
When an errant delivery pulls suburban dad Craig Waterman into the orbit of his mysterious and charismatic new neighbour Austin Carmichael, a sweet...
A struggling writer in the midst of a divorce befriends a retired serial killer who incidentally becomes his marriage counselor by day, and killing...
The Shallow Tale of a Writer Who Decided to Write about a Serial Killer
When a cop who is just out of rehab takes the graveyard shift in a city hospital morgue, she faces a series of bizarre, violent events caused by an...
The Possession of Hannah Grace
Put out of his swamp solitude by a wicked tyrant's order, grumpy ogre Shrek goes on a journey – accompanied by a chatterbox donkey – to...
Shrek the Musical
Career criminal Youngblood Priest wants out of the Atlanta drug scene, but as he ramps up sales, one little slip up threatens to bring the whole...
An acting student is haunted by the early death of her mother.
Finding Julia
Desperate for a breakthrough as she nears the big 4-0, struggling New York City playwright Radha finds inspiration by reinventing herself as a rapper.
The Forty-Year-Old Version