The sinking of the Titanic is presented in a highly realistic fashion in this tense British drama. The disaster is portrayed largely from the...
A Night to Remember
A prominent politician is preparing to expose a financial scandal. But then a woman who has invested heavily in the shady venture threatens to...
An Ideal Husband
An old man has his birthday. On this occasion he is given a present by his grand daughter who is fond of him. On the other hand, she hates her...
Happy DeathDay
A young woman is framed for the murder of a wealthy man who met his death at the hands of his heirs.
Meet Mr. Callaghan
A clique of girls in an English school wear a small yellow teddy bear on their uniform to signify that they have lost their virginity. Linda, the...
The Yellow Teddy Bears
Strangers conversing in a train compartment, revive wartime memories for one passenger.
Death Was a Passenger
Wartime thriller with film noir elements based on a true story as written in A.P. Scotland's autobiography "The London Cage". The plot has greatly...
The Two-Headed Spy