Based on true facts, the film revolves around 6 brave soldiers who escape from the clutches of the Pakistan Army and risk death with honour and...
Amongst the communal riots that erupt in the city, Tara shelters a wayward Sakina from a crazed mob and a bond that blossoms into love is created....
Gadar: Ek Prem Katha
A tale of two gangsters from the eras of past and present, whose lives enter parallel paths as they struggle to survive within Bombay's criminal...
Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai
In the disputed territory of Kashmir, a young Muslim woman meets and falls in love with a Hindu man.
An anthology of four stories that explore the surprising ways in which unexpected catalysts inflame the uncomfortable emotions simmering under...
Ajeeb Daastaans
An adventurous, foul-mouthed former swimming coach reaches for record-breaking glory when he attempts a triathlon at 69 years old.
Vijay 69