A young couple, feeling the pressures of parenting and adulthood, sends their kids to camp for the first time and embark on a series of sexual...
The End of Sex
When Hollywood superstar George Reeves dies in his home, private detective Louis Simo is hired to investigate his death and gets caught in a web of...
Kellie, a widow with a successful yet demanding company, and longing for a companion, takes to the world of online dating where she meets Dan. He...
A Widow Seduced
On the last working day of Sheriff Wayne, his small town is attacked by blood thirsty ravens that eat human flesh. Meanwhile his wife Cynthia visits...
Two old friends living in a dystopic future become trapped in a mysterious time loop — one that may have something to do with an ongoing battle...
Using satellite photography, ground-penetrating radar and underwater technology, The film, Finding Atlantis, was screened by the National Geographic...
Finding Atlantis