Left heartbroken after Romeo begins to pursue her cousin Juliet, Rosaline schemes to foil the famous romance and win back her guy in this comedic...
One dark night during the early phases of WWII, the Italian Royal Navy submarine Cappellini sinks an armed merchant ship sailing with lights out. At...
The Commander
On Air - Storia di un successo
Goro, a criminal mastermind, plot to steal a massive cache of gold from the Rossini family. Unbeknownst to Goro and his soldiers of fortune, one of...
Hard Night Falling
A group of friends, spending the weekend in a house in the isolated countryside, are attacked by a swarm of killer horseflies that feed on human...
Killer Mosquitos
When the consequences of climate change unearth an ancient curse buried under a glacier, three young couples must face the sins that are coming back...
The Curse Under the Mountain