Miranda and Paul, two business rivals who playfully despise each other, work together on a holiday gift-giving app, and unexpected feelings develop...
Falling in Love at Christmas
Follows two women who find that their paths are intertwined, and have a surprising connection.
Song & Story: Amazing Grace
A group of friends at a bachelorette party are stalked, tortured and murdered by a masked figure, who forces them to face a long-buried secret.
Prey for the Bride
Melik Ohanian’s work Borderland – I Walked a Far Piece is conceived in a marginal, de-territorialised territory, on a floating New York...
Borderland - I Walked a Far Piece
Olivia and her maid Anna are in love, and stealing a secret moment together. But their moment of tranquility ends abruptly when Olivia’s...
While on a road trip to spread her godfather's ashes, Daphne and her ill godmother Fran get into an accident forcing them to make an unexpected stop....
Love by Accident