Filmmaker José Mojica Marins travels to spend Christmas with friends in a small farm, where they spend leisure time while Mojica writes the...
The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe
In a television program Angelica (Angelica), the daughter of a businessman who aspires to be a singer, eventually earning his "crazy dream", which is...
Os Trapalhões na Terra dos Monstros
O Médium
Corisco, o Diabo Loiro
Quatro Brasileiros em Paris
Eva is a beautiful model who’s hired to star in a campaign to sell a marvelous new product: the male contraceptive pill. But it isn't easy to...
A Super Fêmea
O Sexo Mora ao Lado
Barbara Leen owns a coffee export company based in Rio de Janeiro. The company has long since been infiltrated by smugglers, without Barbara knowing...
Mord in Rio
Chão Bruto
Marta, a young blind woman, visits Humberto and his family at their expansive estate. Her presence begins to fray relations between family members as...
Sex, Your Only Weapon