The film revolves around two partners in the cattle trade who traveled to Cairo to live a lively life in the nightclubs and meet a girl who was...
Bahbouh Efendi
Mounira (Hend Rostom) thinks that she found the man of her dreams when she marries Khairy (Roshdy Abaza). She then discovers that he rents a place...
ست البنات
The spiteful Man
Lillian is a Jewish dancer who has a number of admirers, including Farid, a wealthy lonely young man. Lillian leaves Farid in order to go to...
Seraa El Gababera
The film revolves around a veterinarian who decides to go to the countryside to practice his work and settle there in the countryside. The doctor...
The King of Petrol
The story of Hassan Al-Shahat and his son Shahtout who frequent the religious commemorating ceremonies to display their magic tricks. Hassan is...
Alf Leila We Leila
The principal of a private school, where the students succeed according to the money the principal receives from their parents. The teacher, Sharaf,...
Professor Sharaf
The film is about a couple who live in a popular area and have a son, the husband works in smuggling contraband and encourages his son to walk this...
the eternal love
An unemployed musician is called to teach piano lessons to the daughter of a wealthy man, the girl tries to make him fall for her, while the wife...
Ayami Al Saaeda
Escaping his father's cruelty and indifference, Magdy leaves the house on a rainy night and a nightclub owner hits him with her car.
Struggle with life