The story of a summer dress and those who have to do with it, especially the train conductor (played by van Warmerdam, the director). The dress...
The Dress
In pre-WWII Holland, the penniless, illegitimate son of a powerful bailiff sets out to become a lawyer as he spends a lifetime struggling to prove...
The story of the murder of Dutch comedian Jean-Louis Pisuisse and his wife, by the hands of jealous singer Tjakko Kuiper. Based on Gerben Hellinga's...
Mensch Durf Te Leven
A lonely man tossed by life and hectored by his landlady finds happiness only with an alley cat.
Een vreemde liefde
The film features a dystopian near-future world which has been split into three. The Third World are the owners of all of the world's resources and...
Any Day Now
De Mantel der Liefde is a bizarre, over the top and at times hilarious settling of scores with the Catholic Church, commercial movie culture and...
The Mantle of Love
An idealistic Dutch colonial officer posted to Indonesia in the 19th century is cohvinced that he can make the kinds of changes that will actually...
Max Havelaar
At the end of WWII the Dutch resistance kills a German officer in front of the house of a Dutch family. Years after the war the young boy who...
The Assault
A journalist has to interview a blind photographer.
De blinde fotograaf