The film follows two days in the life of a former child star who rose to fame nearly 20 years ago in a major sci-fi blockbuster. Overwhelmed by media...
Heir of the Galaxy
Young high school teacher Michael Gewa receives a mysterious message - a novel company has bought his internet and cell phone data and issues him a...
Invention of Trust
Hartmut Mackowiak, a German taxi driver, tries to help 6 year old Turkish girl to find her mother.
Three Quarter Moon
About Franzi Schwanthaler the sky collapses. She is a single mother and baker in a Bavarian village, and here the branch of an internationally...
Was machen Frauen morgens um halb vier?
Ercan is fed up with clichés of migrant roles. Instead of playing a terrorist on television, the Turkish actor is trying to get a role as...
Triumph of the Actor
The story revolves around seven-year-old Londri Mingolo's flight from the Congo to Germany and his problems settling into German society.
Alone In A Strange World
Zurück aufs Eis
A near-future film about our education and value system and the question of what our children are worth to us.
Hazal is 17 and lives in Berlin. Her biggest wish: to be given a chance. For her 18th birthday she wants to escape the everyday grind and party with...
After living 45 years in Germany, the Turkish Hüseyin Yilmaz, seventy, announces to his family that he has bought a house in Turkey and they...
Almanya: Welcome to Germany
Zwei allein
Cengiz and Savaş are two unlike brothers. Cengiz is an associate in a respected law firm and Savaş is serving a prison sentence because of...
The German-Turkish search for identity by 9-year old Ümit.
Meine Beschneidung
Tilda's days are strictly structured: she studies, works at the supermarket checkout and looks after her little sister Ida - on some days she also...
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