Ichikawa Ebijuro stars in this kaibyo story concerning a ghost-cat named Akakabe Daimyojin, which would be re-filmed in 1938. The story may derive...
Sekiheki Daimyōjin
Film about Ghost-Cat.
Hida no kaibyō
Japanese horror movie from 1921.
Yome odoshi tani
Botan dôrô
Kisô no kuroneko
Japanese horror movie from 1917.
Utsunomiya tsuritenjô
Japanese horror movie from 1916.
Kaidan shikishima banashi
This epic depicts the battle between Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen. The focus of the story is the struggle by the unit leader in charge of the...
The Battle of Kawanakajima
The Legend of the Filial Child Goro Masamune