Rose Larusso, an inquisitive young girl in 1980s Staten Island, discovers her father is an emerging mafia kingpin. Rose's growing desire to break...
Fresh Kills
A young girl has to outsmart a Nazi Lieutenant, who wiles her with sweet talk and chocolate into revealing her family's true identity.
Free-spirited Poppy and routine-loving Alex, who have been unlikely best friends for a decade, lives in different cities but spends every summer...
People We Meet on Vacation
A group of high-school kids set out to play a Halloween prank at an abandoned house, but once they enter they become victims of a demonic witch who...
House of the Witch
A teen becomes the target of a stalker after she joins a club where participants play a game that grows increasingly sinister.
The Stalker Club
When teenager Kendra lies about her age to get into a Hollywood party, she meets handsome reality TV star, Brad. But when she discovers that Brad is...
Stalked by a Reality Star
Four seasoned killers and one hapless professor are rounded up in one violent swoop and awake in chains to discover they are part of a demented...
Anonymous Killers
Margot is a documentary filmmaker looking to meet her long-lost mother and extended family in a secluded Amish community. She and her film crew soon...
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin