Television special of five episodes directed by Alfredo Di Laura dedicated to the exhibition "Attivo. Performance e Dibattiti" curated by Tommaso...
The Pink Biennal
Through intimate interviews, provocative art, and rare, historical film and video footage, this feature documentary reveals how art addressing...
!W.A.R.: !Women Art Revolution
Writes Antin: "Applying hair to her face, the artist moves through a variety of bearded faces seeking the identity most appropriate to her facial...
The King
The Man Without a World is credited to the legendary (and imaginary) 1920s Soviet director, Yevgeny Antinov. But the film is anything but old. In...
The Man Without a World
In this work of documentary fiction, an archivist attempts to put together the "lost years" of Eleanor Antinova, the once-celebrated black ballerina...
From the Archives of Modern Art