विश्वास (Bishwas) is a heart-wrenching tale of one man's journey from rural simplicity to the complexity of...
Directed by Shiva Regmi, Aafno Manchhe was the huge success, and is counted among the biggest hit movies of Nepali film cinema.
Aafno Manchhe
Three friends decide to leave their home country in the hopes of making money. However, things do not go as expected, and they end up there unsure of...
The story of a family that is shattered by a sinful politician.
Papi Manchhe
This film delves into the web of family drama and tragedy while shedding light on the often unheard narratives of students studying abroad, offering...
Pardeshi 2
Two friends involve with same girl which eventually deteriorate their friendship.
Darpan Chhaya
Best friends' journey from childhood to marriage.
After the success of Bato Muni ko Phool (2010), the sequel "Bato Muni Ko Phool 2" is out which will mainly focus on the love story and caste...
Bato Muniko Phool 2
Nai Nabhannu La 5