In this witty father-son story, we are introduced to Varun, a former scammer, and River, a trans drag performer, as they venture on a road trip...
Runs in the Family
Jaci van Jaarsveld will do everything in her power to stop the advertising company where she works to be taken over by a ruthless businessman known...
A South African romcom that follows the story of eight couples and their journey to discover what love is and what it really takes to stay in love.
Mooi Rivier
A widower, Hans (90), is forced into a repressive old-age-home. Once there, he comes face to face with the draconian management, who forces him to...
Hans Crosses The Rubicon
Another first for South Africa's fast growing film industry - A multiple story line ensemble romantic comedy capturing the essence of what love looks...
Mooi River
‘Sink’ tells the story of Rachel, a Mozambican domestic worker based in Johannesburg, who is forced to make a devastating choice after...
A coming of age movie the world has never seen While South Africa battles through civil unrest and the final days of apartheid, Jeffrey Greenbaum...
Just Now Jeffrey
Yvette has dreamed of performing Romeo and Juliet since starting high school. Now, in her final year, the headmaster has decided to use the school's...
Your Romeo
A nine-year-old autistic boy is found dead in the bath tub. His mother Ingrid, who spent her life caring for him and loved him dearly, is being...
Riddle Child
Susters' is a new South African film about three sisters who reunited during a road trip down memory lane, with a fabulous local cast.
Housewife Megan's idyllic life is thrown into turmoil, when it emerges that her husband, Lloyd, faces a heavy prison sentence for tax evasion. Megan,...
Table Manners